Friday, 4 March 2016

Long time, no post. Oops?

Okay so please don't kill me I have an excuse! 

Yes okay I know I promised no more long absences but I have a reason! College. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love my college course and what I'm doing. What I don't love is the massive amounts of coursework that keep me away from the things I enjoy. 

Not only have I had a LOT of coursework but my best friend came home! He'd been away for 14 weeks at the British racing school for 14 weeks (nearly 200 miles away) so as you can probably understand I was desperate to see him! But guess what? The little bugger had to move away again for work :( But I don't mind too much, I mean 55 miles is closer than 200 right? so yea, he was home for about ten days before he left again, then I was back to college and there is also another exciting project on the side that is hush hush for now but you'll know about soon enough! 

Sorry this post is a load of rubbish but I wanted to let you know that this blog isn't dying again, I'm just struggling to find time to post.

Anyway I hope to post sometime next week if anything exciting happens in my life. 
see you soon 

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