Tuesday, 12 January 2016

What You Need To Know!

So some of you may have noticed that this is my second take at starting this blog. Truth be told I haven't logged in to this account since 2014 that why I felt that it needed to be started again. Not only this but a lot else has changed in my life since I started the blog so I'll start from then.

First of all I finished my GCSE's, yay! for those of you who may not know what these are they are the exams English students sit at the end of their secondary education. I'm not going to lie to you I did pretty well but I hate talking about them so I'm going to move swiftly on. 

Now if anyone knows anything about state education in England you will know that coloured hair and piercings are frowned upon and not allowed. Well as soon as I left guess what I did? I dyed my hair electric blue and pierced my lip. Recently I just got the other side pierced and now have 'snake bites' (but don't tell the piercer I said that)
Next I started college and oh my god did I freak out over nothing! It is honestly the best decision I have ever made. I get to spend 4 days a week around animals and I don't have normal lessons! I get to have theory lessons on animals! if you're an animal lover like me then you will understand how great that makes my day. 

Then was the not so great part of my year, my best mate left to go to the British racing school for 14 weeks. Obviously I was thrilled for him as he is living his dream but I will admit I miss him a lot. 

Not long after that I turned 17! Finally I could learn to drive and that made my year. Those who are close to me know that I'm not your 'typical' 17 year old female because I love cars. I currently have a 1987 classic Austin Mini City who is my baby! 

But it is now 2016 and I felt it was time to give this blog the attention it deserves now that my life has calmed down. Hopefully you will enjoy my content and I cant wait to get to know some of you! A new post will be up soon! 

From Hannah xx 

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